On the site you will find information about the city of Bangor, what is happening here as well as some of its background and history. There are links to information about the High Street, to the various attractions in the Bangor area and to forthcoming events in the City. You can also learn about the Bangor City Council, who is your local Councillor and what services the Council provides for the community. There is the timetable for Council and Committee meetings and the minutes of those meetings.

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22 July 2024
It's disappointing to see Bangor City named as one of the UK's worst seaside towns. Such rankings often fail to capture the full picture and the unique charms that make Bangor City so special.

Bangor City is steeped in history , and it’s with no small measure of pride that Bangor City will be celebrating it’s 1500 year anniversary in 2025.

After all Bangor City is the 1st and oldest city in Wales. With landmarks such as St Deiniol’s Cathedral , Pontio arts center and Storiel Galery and Museum offering cultural and educational experiences, Bangor wears it’s heritage and culture with pride.

With stakeholders Bangor University and Coleg Menai , Our City is truly deserving to be known as a City of Learning, Innovation and Vision.

The city also provides breathtaking views of the Menai Strait and serves as a gateway to the natural beauty of Snowdonia National Park and our forebears recognised that in lacking a suitable beach , they found the perfect solution to promenade and take the sea "airs" and built our magnificent victorian pier at Garth Point which now attracts over 80,000 visitors a year.

These ratings can sometimes highlight areas for improvement, offering an opportunity for Bangor City to address its challenges. With concerted efforts from the community and local authorities, Bangor can enhance its infrastructure, promote its historical and natural attractions, and support local businesses to improve the visitor experience.

The resilience and dedication of Bangor’s residents are crucial in transforming perceptions and showcasing the city’s true potential. By leveraging its rich history and natural beauty, Bangor City can strive to become a more attractive and vibrant coastal destination.

Bangor City Council

From the Mayor Cllr Gareth Parry

This year , as Mayor, I will be hosting a clean up day for Bangor City, on August 7th between 10 am and 4pm - an opportunity for Bangorians to come together and volunteer to help with a little tender loving care for the City with a litter pick and light spot weeding radiating out from the centre of the city.

Using Caffi Deiniol as the base, light refreshments will be available and suitable equipment will be provided. Last year’s clean up day by Mayor Elin Walker Jones was an amazing day with over 60 volunteers coming together to share our love for our City, along with catching up with old friends and making new friends.

Whether you can spare an hour or more , whatever you can do will be great , every little bit will help our beautiful Cathedral City.

If you would like to join us, please could you send your details to Llinos at Bangor City Council via e-mail llinos@bangorcitycouncil.com or to myself e-mail : cllr-gareth-parry@bangorcitycouncil.com

This will help immensely with planning refreshments and equipment.

Many thanks

Gareth Parry
Mayor Bangor City

Mayor 2024/25: Cllr Gareth Parry
Deputy Mayor 2024/25: Cllr Medwyn Hughes

In the annual meeting on the 13/05/24 Councillor Gareth Parry was elected to be this year’s Mayor. Councillor Medwyn Hughes was elected to be Deputy Mayor.

We would like to thank Councillor Elin Walker-Jones for her hard work and devotion to the City of Bangor.

Councillor Gareth Parry


Are you involved with a charity or a constituted community group which is based in Bangor, which works for the benefit of the City or its people?

Are you looking for ways to increase your organisation's funds?

The City Council is looking to work with one charity or group that has the interest and available resources to run a temporary shop in the City Centre. If you would like to be considered please register your interest by contacting the City Council at townclerk@bangorcitycouncil.com

Pier Of The Year 2022